Saturday, December 8, 2012

New business card

I just finished designing a new business card and will have them available in a couple of weeks.  You can check it out on my Facebook page.
I'm also coming along on my follow up book to "Trust Me Now".  The title will be "Cassandra's Moon" and deals with Cassandra and Mr. John as they attempt to get their money back from Beth, as well as exact revenge for the destruction of their cushy life and sordid business enterprise.  The publish date is projected for March 2013 and will include both Kindle and print copies.
The new book will take place mostly in southeastern Minnesota and Italy.  Since my wife and I traveled there in October 2012 I became somewhat familiar with Sorrento, and decided to use it in the sequel.   The area makes a perfect backdrop for what I had planned in the follow up book.

Thanks for reading.  I'm going to write a little more regularly on the blog and will probably include short excerpts from the new book in the future.