Friday, July 31, 2015

Section of short story submitted for publication- The Wallflower Reunion

He watched in the mirror as the blood followed a slow, convoluted path and dribbled down his neck.  The hand holding the razor froze, as a paralyzing thought pounded his brain.  What if she doesn’t recognize me?  Frightened and horrified, he stood in his underwear and stared into the mirror.  
Moments later, his attention returned to the razor cut dribbling a growing amount of blood onto the soft folds of skin that coursed across his neck.  Rick Steps snatched a wad of toilet paper and dabbed at the blood.  Too much blood.  He collected another wad and pressed it hard against the stinging razor nick, holding it until he thought it would stop bleeding. 
He left a torn sheet of toilet paper stuck to the slit in his neck, knowing from experience it would stanch the flow of blood and allow him to continue shaving.  Negative, troubling thoughts continued to plague him until he finished up, removed the toilet paper, and made sure the wound would not bleed anymore.
The high school reunion dinner would begin at six tonight at the local country club.  Everyone would have to walk up the grand entrance stairs to the upper level where the welcoming committee would be waiting.  Chrissie Manuess would be among them.  

The room was not warm, but a cold sweat broke out, sending rivulets of perspiration running into his eyes  He grabbed a hand towel and pressed it against his face and wiped the sweat from his eyes.

Monday, July 20, 2015

Paperback copies

Paperback copies will be available on by July 24, 2015.  I have been proofing copies along with some other people, including friends and family.  It's amazing to think there could still be typos, spelling, and syntax issues, but, hey, such is the process of producing a book.  Thanks to all the people, especially my wife, Cindy, who have gone over parts of the proof and helped improve the final product.  I greatly appreciate all the effort you put in.

Monday, July 13, 2015

Paperback jacket

It's done!!  The cover is ready and accepted by the publishing house.  I ordered a proof to do a final inspection-should be here Friday.  If everything looks good, I'll give the final go ahead for printing.

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Cover for Kindle

The cover for the Kindle copy of 'Brothers' is now the way I want it.  One cover down and one to go. I hope to have the glitches ironed out on the paperback cover within to weeks.

Friday, July 3, 2015

Published...not perfectly.

I just added Brothers (Tale of the River Rats) to Amazon.  The cover needs to be tweaked, but will have to wait 2-3 weeks for that to happen.  I expect to have the paperback version ready to publish within a couple of weeks.  There have been some technical difficulties with the specifications for the front and back covers.
The Kindle copy is downloadable, but the cover is not exactly what I want, so be warned!