Friday, January 1, 2016

The fisherman stirred as Karonen hefted him onto the bed. I’ll have to hurry, he told himself. The chain and clamps, necessary to retain his guest in a controlled state until he could convince him of taking on the task willingly, were in a heap, ten feet away. He retrieved the end with the clamp and deftly placed it around the man’s ankle and clasped it shut. The key dangled from a ring on the wall several feet outside of the chamber. The man moved some more. Karonen left and returned a minute later with a pitcher of water and a glass, which he placed on the table next to the bed. He’ll be waking up soon. He backed away from the bed and assumed a position near the doorway of the chamber. A comfortable recliner awaited him there. He would wait.
Five minutes passed before Hecimovich stirred again and stretched his hands up and over his head. His eyelids seemed sticky as they opened. It took a few attempts to get rid of the gooey feeling and his vision to become operable enough to view his surroundings.
He was confused as he silently tried to make sense of his surroundings. Hecimovich slid both of his legs off the side of the bed and let his muddy tennis shoes dangle over the side. His hands gripped the bed on both sides of his legs. He looked around and spotted Karonen sitting in a chair by the open doorway of his…It reminded him of a dungeon.
“What happened to me?” Hecimovich asked in a wavering voice.
Karonen acted as if he didn’t know what to say, but finally spoke. “You’re a guest in my home. Everything will be all right.” 
Hecimovich shuddered and then said, “This doesn’t look like a home, but I’m not sure if I’m seeing things right; it looks like a cave.” He rubbed his now closed eyes with one hand. “I feel like I’m dreaming.” Hecimovich pulled his hand away from his face and appeared to look Karonen in the eyes. “Am I?”
Karonen stared back and answered quietly. “No sir…You’re not dreaming.”
For the first time, Hecimovich noticed the clamp around his left leg and jerked it upward. The abruptness of the motion and the clang of the chains startled Karonen. He jumped to his feet.
“Please, if you relax, it will be better,” Karonen said.
Hecimovich’s eyes had changed from unfocused and drowsy to wild and desperate. “You, you did this to me. I helped you, and you did this.” His head turned from one side to the other with an urgency and fearfulness he had never known. “You’ve got to let me out of here! Why are you doing this? What do you want?” Hecimovich rushed to where Karonen stood, but was jerked back by the short chain and fell forward. Pain wracked his ankle when the clamp cut into his skin. He was just a few feet away from Karonen. 
Karonen pleaded, “Please, I will explain everything, but I need you to calm down, and listen. Please, I need your help!” 
Hecimovich, who lay face down on the floor with his arms outstretched in front of him, clawed furiously at the earth, trying to get to Karonen, who didn’t move a centimeter. Hecimovich continued clawing and yelling until Karonen kneeled and brought himself too close to the fisherman’s grasp. A stab outward and Hecimovich’s hand clamped onto Karonen’s wrist with the force of an electric eel. Yelling and thrashing, and now pulling Karonen closer, Hecimovich felt a surge of adrenalin. He had the older man frightened and desperate. 
Karonen yelped, “No, wait, wait. I need your help. I’m not going to hurt you!”
“I know you won’t you bastard,” Hecimovich yelled. He almost had Karonen’s ankle in his other hand and felt more confident than ever he was going to free himself. Hecimovich had pulled Karonen close enough that he could rise to his knees and increase his leverage. Suddenly, Karonen changed tactics and launched himself forward and smashed his body into Hecimovich’s. Karonen ended on top of him and pummeled Hecimovich’s face with his free hand. The fisherman released his grip on Karonen’s wrist and tried to protect his face, but Karonen had entered the fight or flight mode and now delivered blow after blow to Hecimovich’s face. 

There was one last hurrah left in Hecimovich and he tried to kick the chain attached to his leg over Karonen and tangle him in it. Karonen pulled Hecimovich’s hair, lifting his head off the rock floor, and then smashed his head back down several times. Karonen released the younger man’s head and powered his fists again and again into Hecimovich’s face.