Sunday, May 24, 2015

new short story

I started work today on a short story that features a young, expectant mother who lives in the inner city of Baltimore.  You might say, What the hell does this guy know about young, expectant mothers who live in the inner city?  Good question!  Not much would be my answer, but I don't think it will affect the story line very much.  I'm attacking it from a different angle and when I'm finished, which shouldn't take me more than a few days...I think, I'm going to try and sell it to a magazine.  We'll see, I guess.
My only other hint about story line is that it also involves the Duchess of Cambridge and it takes place this year.
If I can't sell it, I'll post it online.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

update on "Brothers"

I'm continuing to rewrite parts of the book, hopefully making them better.  I shouldn't be so lazy about this, but I really haven't contacted any other publishers (we've been pretty busy this month with planning for my mother's 90th birthday bash, topped off by her sky jumping out of an airplane in Waseca.  It went great, and she loved it.  And I haven't heard anything from the one publisher who gave me some encouraging words, so...I think I'll just pursue the self-publishing mode for now and maybe shop that and "The Book Club Murders" to some other publishers in a couple of months.
In other news, the great, young lady working on the book jacket says she can make the ideas I gave her work on the cover, so I'm pretty excited about that.
If all goes well, the book should be finished editing and the jacket cover ready by the end of June, a couple of months later than I had thought, but, things get in the way sometimes.